Download ProffieConfig
Latest Release: 1.6.15
For macOS
macOS 10.14+ (x86_64 | Intel)
For Windows
Windows 10+ (x86 | 32-bit)
Click on the button for which operating system you use to download ProffieConfig.
When it's done downloading, on Windows you'll want to "Extract All," then run the ProffieConfig executable, and on macOS just drag and drop the application!
On macOS: After moving to your Applications folder, you'll have to allow ProffieConfig to run, since it is an "unsigned" application. Info and instructions can be found here (external).
On Windows: Windows may warn about the program being unknown, and therefore dangerous. Simply click "More Info..." and then you should be able to "Run Anyways."
NOTE for Chrome Browser Users: Chrome may flag the file for being "Dangerous," since ProffieConfig is fairly new. If this occurs, click the button to "Show all downloads" and then you can keep the file from there.
On Windows: Windows may warn about the program being unknown, and therefore dangerous. Simply click "More Info..." and then you should be able to "Run Anyways."
NOTE for Chrome Browser Users: Chrome may flag the file for being "Dangerous," since ProffieConfig is fairly new. If this occurs, click the button to "Show all downloads" and then you can keep the file from there.
Video Tutorial
ProffieConfig has a built-in interactive tutorial, but for many a video walkthrough might be much more useful!
Check out this video tutorial from Raven in the community!